Keep your eye on the sky, every once in a while

let ’em look
who cares what they will think
be yourself
and find out who you are

watch them watching
trying to see you
only seeing a fraction of what you show them
and their own reflections

close eye in the sky 2014
Aug 2014

passing by overhead
fading away at a snail’s pace
rusting, losing power, malfunctioning
blowing away

a faded recording
our fate could rest
in a single droid
help me Obi Wan
you are my only hope

distant eye in the sky 2014
Aug 2014 – Mark Weathers

Pretend the woods, are an art gallery

force your own perspective to change
grab control of your own thoughts
for just a second
guide yourself
see the canopy
let the light come down to you
hear the hustle and bustle of life
watch the art
listen to its message
it’s whispering something
what did it tell you?
what will you take away?
how has it made you grow?

You are here. Here is art.
You are here. Here is art.

Splish splash I was sleeping forever

pressure builds and
you will succumb.

Give into the pace,
Yes, breathe in-hale,
out it goes, down stream
with the flow, so it wants to go

And you will,
you have,
you are
and always will
until you wake up again.

You’ll make a splash this time
your ripples will make great waves
and others will bob up and down
with our flow.
it is ancient.
until you wake up again

From the depths of time
the cold dark nothing
a seed of life
and a safe harbor
with still waters
reflecting your eye.













and be well.


clothed in a state of undress

Don’t normally post works in progress.
Then again, I’m definitely not normal.
In order to create something from myself
I must be clothed in a state of undress.

Couldn’t ever paint on the street.
Don’t like people looking over my shoulder.
Too many greedy eyes smiling waiting for it. So GO!
Into the public, the masses are laden with wolves.

Look yourself in the eye, then die. Admit defeat.
Walk into your fear, conquer the beast within
Choke on it and recover. Did you ever almost die?
Times are changing, life is upgraded dreams

The mind’s eye, will find itself (and wink)
at center with it all, all of it with the one
showing off, bouncing, dancing, singing out
louder until someone finally sees the whisper

looks odd to me out of context
looks odd to me out of context
Works in progress, matte medium layer drying Aug2014
Works in progress, matte medium layer drying Aug2014
large batch of lil ones in the studio Aug2014
large batch of lil ones in the studio Aug2014

Just thought I’d share. Let me know what you think!

Also this, just because.


Thanks for read/watch/skim/eat/absorb/ing! 😀


It is what you make it

It is what you make it and it is made out of mud.
Spreading wings and setting suns.
Flying dreams and lucid self-awareness,
just keep going down that path.
Don’t the let the spider webs stop you.
Keep going still, keep on keepin’ on.
You’ll get there and when you do,
Jump right down into it.
Get a little dirty.
Go for broke.
Got what you came for?
Build your momentum and fling yourself back out.
Life is worth exploring.
You never know what you’ll find.



it is stump ever you meow it to be - Aug 2014
it is stump ever you meow it to be – Aug 2014


The past gives us gifts and never really leaves us.  There is only the now, be happy.  😀