Tag Archives: abstract

Dirty V-word

Why is it that speaking about kindness toward animals generates so much backlash and vitriol?

Why is it that we so easily overlook suffering if it is not right in front of our faces?

How can we expect to expect justice and non-violence when we put violence and injustice in our mouths three times a day?

Why are we living in the past when we can be living in the future!? All it takes is starting to live with compassion and awareness for all life on Earth. That’s all. It just means we have to stop causing suffering for others, in order to drastically lessen the suffering of all. Either we end the anthropocentric causation of the Earth’s current mass extinction event, or it ends us. If we can’t be compassionate with each other, we don’t deserve longevity as a species.

our mark on the planet has been very bloody
our mark on the planet has been very bloody

Pretend the woods, are an art gallery

force your own perspective to change
grab control of your own thoughts
for just a second
guide yourself
see the canopy
let the light come down to you
hear the hustle and bustle of life
watch the art
listen to its message
it’s whispering something
what did it tell you?
what will you take away?
how has it made you grow?

You are here. Here is art.
You are here. Here is art.

clothed in a state of undress

Don’t normally post works in progress.
Then again, I’m definitely not normal.
In order to create something from myself
I must be clothed in a state of undress.

Couldn’t ever paint on the street.
Don’t like people looking over my shoulder.
Too many greedy eyes smiling waiting for it. So GO!
Into the public, the masses are laden with wolves.

Look yourself in the eye, then die. Admit defeat.
Walk into your fear, conquer the beast within
Choke on it and recover. Did you ever almost die?
Times are changing, life is upgraded dreams

The mind’s eye, will find itself (and wink)
at center with it all, all of it with the one
showing off, bouncing, dancing, singing out
louder until someone finally sees the whisper

looks odd to me out of context
looks odd to me out of context
Works in progress, matte medium layer drying Aug2014
Works in progress, matte medium layer drying Aug2014
large batch of lil ones in the studio Aug2014
large batch of lil ones in the studio Aug2014

Just thought I’d share. Let me know what you think!

Also this, just because.


Thanks for read/watch/skim/eat/absorb/ing! 😀


Soft phantom lights glowing in the cold, dark night

Today I designed a moody cosmetics bag over at Zazzle. I’m not sure if anyone will ever buy the thing and make the design come into actual existence as a product, but even if that never happens it is still really cool to see my artsy photographs come to life on a random little bag. I’m looking forward to doing a whole bunch more of these babies so stay tuned!


The soft glowing ebbs flowingly
through the cold, dark night
rivers flow, the moon shines
light dances and fades knowingly
shapeshifting to our delight.

-Mark Weathers, January 4th 2014