Tag Archives: digital

why do we fall, bruce?


“…so we can learn to pick ourselves up.” – Alfred

( http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/391005-why-do-we-fall-so-we-can-learn-to-pick )

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Even the flowers fall, down with the sunlit leaves and debris.

From the nurturing soil, toward the nurturing sun,

We get past the fallen trees and tragically beautiful flowers by growing up and over them.  They will nurture us all for generations yet to come.  Even though we become separated we still hold each other in our hearts.  The separation is an illusion.  Just listen.

What do the voices of your dearly departed say to you?  Who are the separated that encourage you to grow and become more of yourself?  What long dead voices still ring true for you?  What soil nurtures your roots?  Where are you getting your brilliant sunlight?  Where do you get your regular water?

Food and drink, for thought and nutrition, eat well and be well.

MWW-2014-11-10-2pmEst. <3

life’s a glitch, and then you die

Here’s some glitchy mashups I made thanks to my buddy Phil Stearns’ online class. He showed us a few ways to break down different file types and use text editors, hex editors, audio software to create glitch effects on images and animated gifs. Here’s a mashup I did of some public domain nuke photos.  Mmmm pretty colors… You likey? There’s more here at this URL, my still viewable project on skillshare: http://www.skillshare.com/classes/design/Illuminated-Errors-Create-Visual-Glitch-Art/663009154/projects/7469

I’ve included the originals that I used to create the mashups too, maybe you want to use them as well.