Don’t normally post works in progress.
Then again, I’m definitely not normal.
In order to create something from myself
I must be clothed in a state of undress.
Couldn’t ever paint on the street.
Don’t like people looking over my shoulder.
Too many greedy eyes smiling waiting for it. So GO!
Into the public, the masses are laden with wolves.
Look yourself in the eye, then die. Admit defeat.
Walk into your fear, conquer the beast within
Choke on it and recover. Did you ever almost die?
Times are changing, life is upgraded dreams
The mind’s eye, will find itself (and wink)
at center with it all, all of it with the one
showing off, bouncing, dancing, singing out
louder until someone finally sees the whisper

Just thought I’d share. Let me know what you think!
Also this, just because.

Thanks for read/watch/skim/eat/absorb/ing! 😀