In an effort to point out the beauty of the mundane and broken, I’ve combined a lovely blurb about hidden secrets and broken charms with this digital photograph of a shattered, discarded golf ball on a wet asphalt.
“The human heart has hidden treasures, In secret kept, in silence sealed; The thoughts, the hopes, the dreams, the pleasures, Whose charms were broken if revealed.” – Charlotte Brontë
The Golden Orange sunset, moody and majestic it leaves us with a gradual explosion of color and inspires us to appreciate the present moment for its beauty and splendor. Each sunrise and sunset marks the median between our two well known daily time periods of night and day. And each time we spin around on this big ball shaped rock, we are treated again and again with wonders of light and the mysteries of midnight. A good vantage point, a few clouds and a rich sky full of shifting color is worth taking advantage of ever time the opportunity presents itself.

And now with the help of my friends at Zazzle, this golden scene will set forever!
Today I designed a moody cosmetics bag over at Zazzle. I’m not sure if anyone will ever buy the thing and make the design come into actual existence as a product, but even if that never happens it is still really cool to see my artsy photographs come to life on a random little bag. I’m looking forward to doing a whole bunch more of these babies so stay tuned!
The soft glowing ebbs flowingly
through the cold, dark night
rivers flow, the moon shines
light dances and fades knowingly
shapeshifting to our delight.
-Mark Weathers, January 4th 2014
Art posts featuring photos, paintings, drawings and poetry.