a walk to the library on january 24th 2017

a long drive through the rain
manhattan whizzing by 
from one parking spot luckily avoiding a ticket

to another parking spot not far away
a square grided circle back to where I came from
getting stuck in traffic and enjoying every second

packed and sorted and turned around once more
enjoying the central park meandering about
under the archway a pause to reflect, stairs, two towers

a commitment to ending homelessness must be made
a cold wet wind funnels in the tunnel past me and the fort
a long walk to the library with much in tow under the umbrella

sweet eye candy and a deep connection to the public space
rewards abound, drowning in potential knowledge
longing to be with, imagining affections

of new york city angels and goddesses
much could be said and more
a grandeur matched by the openness of the library’s caver

bright chandeliers with countless orbs 
massive arched windows framing the billowing smoke
and ridged structures of 5th avenue at 41st street



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