Category Archives: glitch

Imagine yourself

life is what you make of it

Are you taking?
Are you giving?

Are you stranded?
Lost in a sea of your own mind

You are right where you are supposed to be
Right when you are needed
Now.  Here.  
No kiddin’

It’s all about your frame of reference.
You have the power to shift it at will.
Your imagination
…is limitless.




Awareness of Opportunity

Re-contextualized, simplified, and illuminated:
When your perspective undergoes a shift,
windows through the darkness may appear.

A blue sliver of sky through full cloud cover with dark exposure

A way out, a way forward
We are all going to look up
and see the dividing line

A blue sliver of sky through full cloud cover

It is our choice
to be aware
to be open
to follow our dreams
or not.

A blue sliver of sky through full cloud cover with light exposure
A blue sliver of sky through full cloud cover with light exposure – Mark W

Soft phantom lights glowing in the cold, dark night

Today I designed a moody cosmetics bag over at Zazzle. I’m not sure if anyone will ever buy the thing and make the design come into actual existence as a product, but even if that never happens it is still really cool to see my artsy photographs come to life on a random little bag. I’m looking forward to doing a whole bunch more of these babies so stay tuned!


The soft glowing ebbs flowingly
through the cold, dark night
rivers flow, the moon shines
light dances and fades knowingly
shapeshifting to our delight.

-Mark Weathers, January 4th 2014

life’s a glitch, and then you die

Here’s some glitchy mashups I made thanks to my buddy Phil Stearns’ online class. He showed us a few ways to break down different file types and use text editors, hex editors, audio software to create glitch effects on images and animated gifs. Here’s a mashup I did of some public domain nuke photos.  Mmmm pretty colors… You likey? There’s more here at this URL, my still viewable project on skillshare:

I’ve included the originals that I used to create the mashups too, maybe you want to use them as well.