The more places on Earth you see, the more you realize how precious each place actually is. – Mark Weathers
Category Archives: photography
Tiny Worlds
It may be cold outside at night and there are most definitely drawbacks to living on the road, but for all the challenges there are just as many perks and new experiences to discover. I love taking a hot shower, yet I am surprised how well am able to cope and get by without that old daily ritual. Many of my habits are stunted and new routines form. My westward horizons are uncharted and still a looming mystery to unfold, while looking back reminds me of the land covered, the towns past and seen. I never knew how easy it would be to leave it all behind. The daily newfound liberty of a nomadic crawl is ever increasingly full of continuous potential. I am ever asking myself what do I want, what do I want now, to do, to eat, to see next. It seems like I’m leaving my old life behind, though I know I carry everything with me. I am who I am because of what lies East. I know how lucky I am and I count my blessings regularly. I give many thanks and share my gratitude.
Channel your inner Mark Weathers a bit and google then visit some of your local libraries and trail-heads. My homes away from home.

Imagine yourself
life is what you make of it
Are you taking?
Are you giving?
Are you stranded?
Lost in a sea of your own mind
You are right where you are supposed to be
Right when you are needed
Now. Here.
No kiddin’
It’s all about your frame of reference.
You have the power to shift it at will.
Your imagination
…is limitless.
here’s looking at you
Time marches down the streets of our lives
Awareness of Opportunity
Re-contextualized, simplified, and illuminated:
When your perspective undergoes a shift,
windows through the darkness may appear.
A way out, a way forward
We are all going to look up
and see the dividing line
It is our choice
to be aware
to be open
to follow our dreams
or not.

Secret gardens hidden fruits
Don’t forget to look down. Stoop down. Look at what you’re about to step on and look over to side at what is not so trodden. What is there?
what magical other place this is? So easily hidden in plain view
And how does this newness you just discovered apply?
How does it affect your imagination and link to your usual perspective?

You fly by, capture a speeding glimpse and are forever changed, if you allow it within yourself. If you are willing to let it open chains of thought, willing to let it somewhere near your heart.

The secrets are there for you to learn and share.
Their rich juices will feed your soul through osmosis.
Here are a few that I’ve found and stolen away…

For a rainy day.

Fruiting bodies
unforshadowed hardships
many face them
we do not know
friends stand up
and lend a hand
one never knows
when trouble
may come home to roost
when trouble
bites you in the fanny
Fire spreads
we all thirst for
sustenance and growth
at the dearest expense
of the life of others
So we must be worth it,
we must lend a hand.
MWW – 2015,March27th