Tag Archives: color

Imagine yourself

life is what you make of it

Are you taking?
Are you giving?

Are you stranded?
Lost in a sea of your own mind

You are right where you are supposed to be
Right when you are needed
Now.  Here.  
No kiddin’

It’s all about your frame of reference.
You have the power to shift it at will.
Your imagination
…is limitless.




Secret gardens hidden fruits

Don’t forget to look down.  Stoop down.  Look at what you’re about to step on and look over to side at what is not so trodden.  What is there?

what magical other place this is? So easily hidden in plain view

what magical other place this is? So easily hidden in plain view

And how does this newness you just discovered apply?

How does it affect your imagination and link to your usual perspective?


aerial view of the dense alien forest
aerial view of the dense alien forest

You fly by, capture a speeding glimpse and are forever changed, if you allow it within yourself.  If you are willing to let it open chains of thought, willing to let it somewhere near your heart.

A frozen moment of light eternal blossom of blood from earth
A frozen moment of light eternal blossom of blood from earth


The secrets are there for you to learn and share.

Their rich juices will feed your soul through osmosis.

Here are a few that I’ve found and stolen away…

The red forested plague encroaches over boulders of precious metals
The red forested plague encroaches over boulders of precious metals

For a rainy day.

the shade of the lava tree is hot enough to incinerate a human in ten seconds
the shade of the lava tree is hot enough to incinerate a human in ten seconds

Dirty V-word

Why is it that speaking about kindness toward animals generates so much backlash and vitriol?

Why is it that we so easily overlook suffering if it is not right in front of our faces?

How can we expect to expect justice and non-violence when we put violence and injustice in our mouths three times a day?

Why are we living in the past when we can be living in the future!? All it takes is starting to live with compassion and awareness for all life on Earth. That’s all. It just means we have to stop causing suffering for others, in order to drastically lessen the suffering of all. Either we end the anthropocentric causation of the Earth’s current mass extinction event, or it ends us. If we can’t be compassionate with each other, we don’t deserve longevity as a species.

our mark on the planet has been very bloody
our mark on the planet has been very bloody

The trees are speaking

What whispers will spill,

from between the cracks in the bark?

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What creaks and moans,

bends in the wind,

grows tall in the dirt and snow.

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Greetings of fruit to bear

shade from the heat during the Summer months,

shade from the Sun’s far reaching rays.

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What ways do you grow?

What fruit do you bear?

Who do you cast a shadow upon,

as the sunlight feeds us all…

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Let us all be lush and verdant! – mww 2015